
Hoërskool Brackenfell poog om leerders op ‘n gesonde basis toe te rus sodat hulle in enige tersiêre akademiese omgewing kan presteer.


Oud-leerlinge kan hiervan getuig. Die wye en oop vakkeuse sowel as die tweeledige taalbeleid van ons skool gee ons leerders die voorsprong!


Ons gee ons leerders die geleentheid om hul talent op die sportveld te wys. Die Hoërskool Brackenfell het ‘n trotse sportgeskiedenis en lewer gereeld provinsiale verteenwoordigers op. Leerders kry afrigting van goeie gehalte.




Brackenfell High School has always been known for our exceptional achievements in the culture department. From our solid reputation in drama competitions to our phenomenal dance learners. Writers, poets, debaters, singers and musicians all benefit from the opportunities to grow and achieve success.

School Life

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Our School

My naam is Danie le Roux. Dit is my voorreg om die skoolhoof van hierdie wonderlike skool, Hoërskool Brackenfell, te wees. Ons is ‘n skool in die gemeenskap vir die gemeenskap. Ek glo daarin dat die lewe eers sin kry as ons leer om te gee. Daarom is dit vir my lekker om deel te wees van ‘n span wat bereid is om te dien.


School News

Welcome to Re Vera, the official newspaper of Brackenfell High School! Stay informed with the latest news, student achievements, event highlights, and school updates. Our student-driven publication showcases the vibrant spirit of our school community and offers a platform for creative expression. Explore each edition to get a glimpse of life at Brackenfell High, written by the learners, for the learners.

Apply for Admission

2024 applications are now Closed

Our school’s admission policy is in line with the Government of the Western Capes School admission policy.

We strongly advise all prospective parents and learners to familiarise themselves with the admissions process as well as our code of conduct.

Our School

Facilities & Activities


Die skool beskik oor uitstaande fasiliteite. Ons is toegerus met verskeie wetenskaplaboratoriums. Voeg daarby twee dramaklasse, twee kontemporêre danslokale asook twee verbruikerstudielokale wat met moderne toerusting toegerus is en jy het ‘n wenresep. As ons na buite beweeg beskik ons oor vyf netbalbane, drie rugbyvelde en ‘n astro-hokkiebaan. Ons het ook ‘n Hoëprestasie-sentrum en ‘n aktiwiteitsentrum.



Become Part of the Brakkies Family

If you are interested in sponsoring a Brakkie - we would love to hear from you.


Thank you to all our sponsors for your support!

Social Media

Check our social media pages for all the real-time action, activities, news and more.